Welcome to Tiverton’s shop
This morning Mrs McCulloch is selling some tasty treats in her shop... What will Reception buy?
This morning Mrs McCulloch is selling some tasty treats in her shop... What will Reception buy?
Year 4 have been learning about exploring and adventuring all term as part of their IPC topic, so today it was their chance to get out in the wild for real. After a short coach ride, they arrived at the…
More Reception pictures from the Rights Respecting school workshop... Bb
Today we learned our first split digraph sound, ‘a_e’ as it will be appearing in our new Optima words. We enjoyed becoming the sounds... We will see how many words we can spot with this new sound.
Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 had a brilliant morning learning more about our rights during our workshop today. We made shelters, talked about how we stay clean and healthy, discussed our different rights with each other, sorted our…
During Maths today Year 1 used one of our new kagan skills - Rally coach. Great teamwork, coaching and support for each other.
Thank you to all the parents who attended our first UNICEF RRSA workshop this morning. We learned a lot about the articles of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and had fun taking part in lots of short…
Children had a 'flying start' to Friday as part of their science learning. Children made paper aeroplanes and gliders to see how far they flew. It was great fun testing them!
Did you know that this week is British Science Week ? And the theme for 2019 is Journeys. In Year 4, Miss Beardsmore helped us link our science learning with our Explorers and Adventurers topic to come up with the contents of a rucksack that would…