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Rex Retriever Comprehension – Using Kagan “Showdown”

Today, we were practising our quick retrieval skills by answering questions on our new text, The Little Match Girl Strikes Back by Emma Carroll.

The Little Match Girl Strikes Back : Carroll, Emma, Child, Lauren: Books

Rather than writing our answers in our books, we wanted to practise our speed and comprehension in a different way, so we used the Kagan structure “Showdown”.

In Showdown, we take it in turns to be the Showdown Captain, whose job it is to read the question to the rest of the team.  In secret, the other team members find the answer from the text, write it on their whiteboards and then hold it against their chest.  When the Showdown Captain sees that everyone is ready, they call “Showdown” and everyone turns their board round.  Because they have the answer on the sheet, the Showdown Captain can check the answers and give feedback.

Onto the next question, and the next Showdown Captain takes over!

We all did really well with our comprehension!

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