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Click here to read about what we are doing in Year 5…

School value:

In Summer 1 our value is citizenship, where we will be learning about how we can contribute to our community and work together. In Summer 2 we will be exploring the value creativity.


In class we will be reading:

Jodie – Hilary McKay

Floodland – Marcus Sedgwick


The library at Touchbase Pears is a great place to borrow books and is free to join and use. This online library is another great place to read.


Discovery Education is a resource that your child has a log-in for as part of our school subscription.  This site has videos and activities to support their revision.  KS1 Grammar – click here.  KS2 Grammar – click here.


In Year 5 we will be completing weekly spellings sent out by the class teacher. Along with these words we would advise that children take time to learn the statutory word list for year 5 and 6 – click here.


Over Summer term 1 and 2, we will be exploring decimals and percentages, perimeter and statistics. In the first topic we will be extending on our place value knowledge by extending our knowledge into the tenths, hundredths and thousandths. In perimeter and statistics we will increase our fluency and problem solving skills by tackling novel questions and learning how we can apply methods to new situations. We will be using white rose to guide our lessons.


In Science, Summer 1 we will be learning about the Earth and Space. In this topic students will learn to describe the movement of the Earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun in the solar system. We will connect our knowledge and understanding so we can approach idea of the Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky. In Summer 2 we will be bringing our students back down to Earth by exploring Animals and Humans.


Year 5 learners will continue to develop their understanding of computer systems and how information is transferred between systems and devices. After we will discover how information might be stored in a database, and looks at how tools within a database can help us to answer questions about our data.


Across the Summer terms Year 5 will be continuing to learn a range of songs which tie in with our values. Children will be learning to appreciate the individual sounds within compositions and explore minor and major chords. Year 5 will also be continuing to learn to play the clarinets, acquiring the skills necessary in order to produce a clear, complimentary sound together. Perfecting their skills which will be showcased in an upcoming performance.

For additional information, see below:


In Spanish, students will be listening attentively to spoken language and will be exploring the patterns of the language through songs and rhymes. Across the Summer term our vocab will increase and we will be able to start practising our linguistics with more confidence.


In History Year 5 will be learning about the exciting lives of the Anglo-Saxons and Scots. Students will not only be acquiring knowledge of their travels and immigrations. They will also learn about the time period, the language they used and the lifestyles they followed. We will be considering the past and present with an understanding of how they have influenced some of the dynamics we see in our society today.


In Geography we will be engaging in enquiry based learning with the use of maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and describe Geographical features. Linking to previous learning we shall continue to develop our Geographical skills so we can gain a deeper understanding of the world around us.  

Art and design:

Using sketch books students will be recording and reviewing their ideas. We will work on drawing, painting and using a range of materials. We learn about great artists, architects and designers, considering their style and recreating their methods using a range of materials.

Trips/visitors/ Workshops:

KES music trip

Clarinet concert


In PE, children will be focussing on; Striking and fielding by developing these skills through rounders and cricket. In Athletics, children will participate and acquire key movements which will be developed to enable them to perform in athletics sporting events.  


Over the term, children will be exploring ‘Safety and the changing body where we will learn the tools to safely navigate the online worlds before we delve into understanding the expected changes that will occur during puberty. As we do this we will also be exploring our Summer values of ‘Citizenship’ and ‘Creativity’ to deepen our understanding of how we are as individuals and how we can positively impact those around us with our talents and appreciation.


In RE our topics will include:

  • Learning from experience 
  • Learning about religious traditions and non-religious world-views
  • Learning From Faith and Non-Religious Worldviews 
  • Learning to Discern 
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