Year 2 class information
Click here to read about what we are doing in Year 2 this term and for links to useful websites to support your child’s learning. School value Our school value that will be discussed and practised in class and through…
Click here to read about what we are doing in Year 2 this term and for links to useful websites to support your child’s learning. School value Our school value that will be discussed and practised in class and through…
This morning, Y1 - 6 visited Encounter Church to perform an end of year showcase that highlighted many talents we have here at Tiverton. We had a beautiful multi-cultural dance, dad jokes, the Year 6 band, soloists, and many more.…
Today, we had a visit from Andy at Severn Trent who taught us all about how our waste water is processed ready for us to drink! Wow, Fascinating! Some very helpful children volunteered to help get the message across.
In computing Year 2 have been learning to describe music. This week we have focused on tones, we identified that by changing the colour we can change the pitch and tone of our patterns that were creating.
We had an amazing morning show casing how Year 2 write, at our Writing workshop. Thank you to the parents who supported. We worked extremely hard writing short descriptive pieces, using contraction apostrophes, extending our sentences with conjunctions. And finally…
This week Year 2 have been working with clay. We revisited mark making with various medium to support our knowledge and understanding. To help us achieve our designs we used various tools to make our marks.
For Muslims, Eid al Fitr marks the end of the Ramadan fast. It is a time that Muslims give thanks to Allah for providing strength during the time of fasting. Our Muslim families now enter a time of joy…
We would like to wish all of our Christian families a very Happy Easter Day. May the promise of new life in Jesus bring your families hope, joy and renewed faith in God. To find out more about Easter please…
Year 2 have been extremely busy this week becoming coders and understanding algorithms. To achieve this we looked back at our previous learning in Year one using Beebots. We can now move our Beebots in multiple directions.