Spring Art Exhibition 2025
This week, Tiverton Academy hosted the first of two art exhibitions. It was well attended by our families and the children loved sharing their work.
This week, Tiverton Academy hosted the first of two art exhibitions. It was well attended by our families and the children loved sharing their work.
Happy Chinese New Year (Lunar New Year). It is celebrated with gifts, fireworks and dragon and lion dances and culminates on the 15th day with a lantern festival. It is thought to be largest annual human migration as Chinese return…
Welcome back! Year one have been busy colour mixing. We have revisited primary colours and focused on key vocabulary: blend, mix, secondary colours. To help us understand colour mixing we used playdough. We were able to see the colours changing.…
On Tuesday, four very creative writers had the opportunity to work alongside an author, William Gallagher, at Harborne Primary. Mrs Wheeler and the children had a fantastic, inspiring day and brought back some great writing to share.
Reception created a beautiful remembrance display in our classroom. We used milk bottle lids to paint the poppies. Can you spot the purple poppies?
Today we had a wonderful morning learning about Remembrance Day and why we celebrate it each year. We created some lovely poppy pictures 👇🏽, we completed some reading and research and creatively used cubes to make some poppies. We paid…
In art today we explored how to develop a range of mark making techniques. We experimented with charcoal to draw different marks. It was a little messy but SO much fun.
In Art we have been looking at different techniques to create texture such as scribbling, stippling, circular scribbling and many more. Take a look... 👌
Year 5 have started their clarinet lessons with Mr Holmes and they absolutely loved it! They learned about the names of each part of the clarinet, how they fit together and had a go at using the mouthpiece for the…
Year One have been making marks using chalk. We have been learning different techniques that will develop our art skills further. We then listened to a piece of music by Claude D'Bussey : La Mer to help us create marks…