For our families who follow the Buddhist faith we wish you an amazing day of…

Year 1 Information For Parents
Click here to read about what we are doing in Year 1 this half term and for links to useful websites to support your child’s learning.
School Value – Communicating
We teach children to work with others and the importance of clear, effective communication. During their time at Tiverton Academy, children have a wealth of opportunities to develop as confident, articulate communicators (whether speaking, writing or online) who have an understanding of their responsibilities to and impact on others.
This half term we shall focus on two books.
- A Squash and a A Squeeze by Julia Donaldson & Axel Scheffler The class know the story well and he children will be writing sentences of their own using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops to accurately recount a part of the story.
- Builder by Ando Twin & Lucy M George will be to support the children in their Buildings topic knowledge. The book tells the story of a builder and how he goes about organising the building of a new home for the Singh family. It’s a great book with lots of new vocabulary for the children to learn.
Please see the homework sheets that we send home each week for the sounds that we are learning in Little Wandle. The sheets will also be on Tapestry Our spellings are words that use the sounds that we have been taught so far. In class we do spellings every day, we do two words and a tricky word.
- Addition and subtraction, including one step problems using number ‘families’
- Number bonds to 20
BBC Bitesize is an amazing resource and everything that you need to support your child in their learning can be found here
Songs and dances are also a great way to help children to understand and remember their maths. Please find a selection below.
Fact Family Song
Fact Family Triangles
Addition & Subtraction Fact Families
Hit The Button – Number Bonds to 20 Game
In Spring 1 we are observing changes in weather and day length associated with our seasons.
During Spring 2 we shall be finding out more about materials, some of their everyday uses and physical properties.
Technology Around Us
During Spring 1 we shall use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate, and retrieve digital content.
During Spring 2 we shall be using programmable toys.
Trips for the half term
National Trust Birmingham Back to Back Houses on Wednesday 13th March.
Please look out for the letter and for the item to appear on ParentPay.
This term we are exploring ‘Buildings’
Art and Design
Skill – Drawing
The children will be extending their use of tools for drawing eg pencil, charcoal, inks, chalk, pastels, ICT software to achieve different effects and patterns found on buildings and in landscapes.
Spring 2 will see them extend their techniques in painting using colour to make patterns and using range of tools to apply paint to different surfaces.
Design and Technology
During Spring 1 we shall be building freestanding structures using junk recycled materials, including how to make materials stronger and more stable.
Our trip to the Birmingham Back to Back Houses will give us an insight into how people lived in the past. The houses span four generations and include the shop of the famous tailor George Saunders
The children will learn about the locations of the UK and Nigeria on a world map and be able to talk about the seasons in each country. This fits well with our Science for Spring 1.
The children will learn about the hot and cold areas of the world and be able to locate the North Pole and South Pole on a world map.
We love our lessons with Mrs Vaughan. This half term we are learning songs for the Easter Celebration.
The children will master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance and agility. The children will apply their new skills in dodgeball, basketball and tag rugby.
Year 1 will be encouraged to think about their emotions and how to recognise and talk about them, including having a varied vocabulary of words to use when talking about their own and others’ feelings.
The importance of sufficient good quality sleep for good health and that a lack of sleep can affect weight, mood and ability to learn. We shall be discussing this with the children.
Other important lessons will be about personal hygiene, sun safety and allergies. In terms of their physical safety we shall be making the children aware of how to respond safely and appropriately to adults inside and outside school who they do not know, including online. We shall talk about how to make an emergency phone call.
This half term we are focussing again on Cultivating Inclusion, Identity & Belonging but in a different way to last time.
How do you know you belong? What do people from different religions do when a baby is born to show they belong?