Click here to read about what we are doing in Year 6 this term and…
Click here to read about what we are doing in Year 6 this term and for links to useful websites to support your child’s learning.
School value
These whole-school values are discussed and practised in class and through our school assemblies throughout the half term. In Autumn 1 our focus is cooperation, in Autumn 2 we will be focusing on politeness.
In class we will be reading:
The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes – click here to hear a version of the narrative poem.
Macbeth (adapted – narrative based on the play) by William Shakespeare.
Various myths and legends from other cultures including ancient Greece.
The library at Touchbase Pears is a great place to borrow books and is free to join and use.
Epic Reading online library is another great resource, which we use in class – click here and enter our Year 6 class code xgb3433.
Discovery Education is a resource that your child has a log-in for as part of our school subscription. This site has videos and activities to support their revision. KS1 Grammar – click here. KS2 Grammar – click here.
In Year 6 we learn the spelling patterns from the National Curriculum, along with these words from the statutory word list for year 5 and 6 – click here. We also revise these spelling words from Year 3 and 4 – click here.
Along with weekly spelling homework, try using games like Spooky Spellings to help your child practise.
To support your child with their weekly arithmetic practise, MyMiniMaths have created a series of free tutorial videos which provide videos and practise examples for each question type click here.
Your child also has a school subscriptions for two excellent, National Curriculum-aligned maths sites/apps.
The log-in details for these can be found in the front of their reading record.
- Mathletics – click here
- Times Table Rock Stars – click here
Autumn 1 – Classifying Critters – Living things and their habitats
You might find the activities on this link useful: What is classification?
Autumn 2 – Staying alive – Animals including humans
You might find the activities on these links useful: The circulatory system and The effects of diet, exercise and drugs on the body
Through all our science work we think about working scientifically. You might find this link helpful when talking to your child about our learning: Working Scientifically
We use the Teach Computing curriculum. In Autumn 1 our topic is Computing systems and networks – Communictation and collaboration. In Autumn 2 our topic is Creating Media – Webpage creation. We will be using Google Sites to make our webpage – for more information about that app click here.
You can use the Think U Know website to support your child with their learning about e-safety and becoming responsible digital citizens.
Trips for the term
King Edward’s School – Concert (28.09.2023)
King Edward’s School – Author’s Visit (19.10.2023)
Freshwater Theatre Workshop – Ancient Greece Time Travel (23.10.2023)
Old Rep Theatre – Peter Pan (08.12.2023)
Topic Focus
During Autumn 1 and 2 we will be focusing on the topic, “Myths and Legends”.
Art and Design
We use sketchbooks to record and develop our ideas, whilst exploring different media (such as clay, papier mache, paint and pastels) and the work of other artists. In the Autumn term, we will be using our topic “Myths and Legends” to inspire our work in the focus areas of form and colour. Click on the links to find out more about theses areas.
Design and Technology
We will be exploring Mechanical Systems where we will be using cams to create simple moving toys. Click here to find out more about cams and followers.
In our history work we will be undertaking a study of Greek life and achievements and their influence on the western world. Our key concepts are: chronological understanding; cultural, ethnic and religious diversity.
You might find the following link useful for discussing this topic with your child: Ancient Greece – KS2 History – BBC Bitesize
There are no specific geography objectives for this topic. However, as part of our history and literacy work, we will be using maps to locate the places mentioned in our research/texts. Google Earth is great for supporting this.
This term, we will be continuing to practise our pronunciation and conversational Spanish skills. In Autumn 1 we will learn to talk about the date and say when our birthday is. Click here for a helpful video to support this topic; in Autumn 2 we will be learning to talk about pets that we may or may not have. Click here for a helpful BBC Bitesize guide.
This term, Miss Wyatt will be teaching the children all aspects of the music curriculum for Year 6. As part of this, they will also be learning to sing two topic-inspired songs: Song of Sirens and The Highwayman, by Rebecca Lawrence.
In PE, Year 6 will be looking at invasion games (football and hockey) across the term. They will also be looking at health-related fitness in Autumn 1 where they will compare their performances with previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best.
Children in Year 6 will explore the stories The Whisperer by Nick Butterworth, and My Princess Boy by Cheryl Kildavos, in discussions about inclusivity as part of our No Outsiders curriculum.
We will be discussing respect, healthy and respectful relationships, how to challenge stereotypes and resolving conflict. We will also be discussing change and loss, and supporting children to recognise and talk about their emotions in a healthy way.
Our topics for this term are:
- Living by Rules
- Being Fair & Just
- Creating Unity & Harmony
- Creating Inclusion, Identity & Belonging
We will discuss these topics in line with the Birmingham Agreed Syllabus which promotes respect, tolerance and understanding. This link is a great way to find out more about the many faiths in our community KS2 Religious Education – BBC Bitesize