For our families who follow the Buddhist faith we wish you an amazing day of…

Year 5
Click here to read about what we are doing in Year 5…
School value:
Our term value is ‘community’. This whole-school value will be discussed and practised in class and through our school assemblies throughout the term.
In class we will be reading:
-The Day War Came – Nicola Davies
-After Tomorrow – Gillian Cross
– Saving the butterfly – by Helen Cooper
-Welcome to Nowhere – Elizabeth Laird
The library at Touchbase Pears is a great place to borrow books and is free to join and use. This online library is another great place to read.
Discovery Education is a resource that your child has a log-in for as part of our school subscription. This site has videos and activities to support their revision. KS1 Grammar – click here. KS2 Grammar – click here.
In Year 5 we will be completing weekly spellings sent out by the class teacher. Along with these words we would advise that children take time to learn the statutory word list for year 5 and 6 – click here.
Over Spring term, we will continue consolidating our number knowledge and extending our numerical understanding of; prime numbers, factors, squared numbers and cubed numbers. Afterwards, we will be covering fractions including improper fractions and converting them into percentages.
- Mathletics – click here
- Times Table Rock Stars – click here
- MyminiMaths – click here.
For Spring 1 and 2 we will be covering the exciting topic of Moving people. We will be learning about the movement of people around the world and gain a deeper understanding of different cultures. Specifically, we will be discussing refugees the plight they face in the modern world.
In Science, students will be learning about the difference in the life cycles of mammals, amphibians and insects. Children will be given the opportunity to observe and understand the different environments of organisms and compare their life cycles. Over Spring 2 pupils will be taught about the force of gravity acting between the Earth and the falling objects.We will also be covering air resistance, water resistance and friction.
Year 5 will be learning how to design and write programs to accomplish a goal. They will also be learning how to use Crumble kits, including how to connect, combine and test algorithms.
Over Spring we will be singing a range of songs which tie in with our topic, including ‘A Short Ride in a Fast Machine’, we will be learning to appreciate the individual sounds within compositions and explore minor and major chords. Year 5 will also be continuing to learn to play the clarinets, acquiring the skills necessary in order to produce a clear, complimentary sound together.
For additional information, see below:
In Spanish, students will be listening attentively to spoken language and will be exploring the patterns of the language through songs and rhymes.
There are no specific History objectives for this topic. However, as part of our history we will be considering how people travelled in the past and how it has influenced our culture today.
In Geography we will be learning the terms; latitude, longitude, equator, northern and southern hemisphere, time zones in relation to the world we live in. Year 5 will also be looking at climates, weather and how this impacts migration.
Art and design:
Using sketch books students will be recording and reviewing their ideas. We will work on drawing, painting and using a range of materials. We learn about great artists, architects and designers, considering their style and recreating their methods using a range of materials.
Trips/visitors/ Workshops:
Stan’s cafe interactive workshops which will start in Spring 2 and will allow the children to use their creative and drama skills to make their own performances to consolidate their knowledge.
In PE, Year 5 will be looking at invasion games (football and hockey) across the term and discuss how to stay healthy. Year 5 will also be developing their swimming practises and will be attending swimming sessions every Tuesday morning for 7 weeks over Spring term.
Over the term, children will be exploring stereotypes, race and religion. They will also be discussing the importance of rest, taking responsibility for our feelings and healthy meals. In Spring 2, we will be discussing; sun safety, online friendships and staying safe online.
In RE our topics will include:
- Being Open, Honest & Truthful
- Being Attentive to The Sacred, As Well AS The Precious
- Participating & Willing To Lead
- Being Modest & Listening To Others