Roald Dahl ABC
To celebrate Roald Dahl day we read Roald Dahl ABC. A is for . . . Anteater B is for . . . Books C is for . . . Crocodile D is for . . .Delicious! We were learning…
To celebrate Roald Dahl day we read Roald Dahl ABC. A is for . . . Anteater B is for . . . Books C is for . . . Crocodile D is for . . .Delicious! We were learning…
Wow! What a busy 4 days we have had in our new class, we have been so busy! Take a look at just a few of the new things we have been doing! We can't wait for next week! Click…
This morning Mrs McCulloch is selling some tasty treats in her shop... What will Reception buy?
More Reception pictures from the Rights Respecting school workshop... Bb
Today we learned our first split digraph sound, ‘a_e’ as it will be appearing in our new Optima words. We enjoyed becoming the sounds... We will see how many words we can spot with this new sound.
Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 had a brilliant morning learning more about our rights during our workshop today. We made shelters, talked about how we stay clean and healthy, discussed our different rights with each other, sorted our…
This week we celebrated World Book day. We brought our favourite books to school and dressed up as our favourite characters. Mrs McKenzie dressed up as the Puzzled Penguin and Mrs Perks became the Hungry Caterpillar! During the day Year…
One of us had the brilliant idea of making cakes...and so we did! We talked about the ingredients and worked in groups to make delicious fairy cakes. We look forward to the next great idea. …
Today we used the Kagan structure, Continuous Round Table, to continue our work on the class text, The Puzzled Penguin, Today we were describing the story setting, Antarctica. Working in groups of four we took turns to listen and describe…