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Refugee Shelters – Year 6 DT

After exploring existing shelters and their features, we created a set of design criteria for our own emergency refugee shelter.  We also had to consider where our refugee camp would be: Turkey or Poland. 

Next we had a go at our Focused Practical Tasks which included: free-standing structures, strengthening cardboard/paper and joining different surfaces. This experimentation will help us in our final design process.

We then got our creative hats on and came up with 4 different design options. If we couldn’t think of 4 by ourselves, we did we always do…look to our Kagan team for support!

We had a little bit of a demo on how to join materials using ‘flaps’ and ‘collars’, then we were off. With our partner, we chose the design that most closely matched our design criteria, collected our materials and started our prototypes.  The next step will be to label them, and evaluate them.

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