Ramadan Begins!
Monday 11th March (the date can vary) marks the beginning of Ramadan a time of fasting, prayer and charity. We would like to wish all of our Muslim families peace and harmony during this important time. Find out more about…
Monday 11th March (the date can vary) marks the beginning of Ramadan a time of fasting, prayer and charity. We would like to wish all of our Muslim families peace and harmony during this important time. Find out more about…
The Baha'i faith is possibly the world's newest faith. For people who follow this faith, a special time starts on 26th February, it is called Intercalary or Ayyam-i-Ha. It is interesting that people of many faiths begin fasting around…
This is an important Buddhist custom to honour the death of Buddha and his attainment of final Nirvana. This means that Buddha, in his death, was released from the cycle of rebirth. To find out more please click on the…
Ash Wednesday & Lent Wednesday 14th February This marks the beginning of 40 days of fasting and prayer for Christians in the lead up to Easter. A time of reflection, remembrance and dedication to God, Christians now observe the forty…
During the half term holiday some of our families with family heritage based in China, Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Malaysia celebrated Lunar New Year. We hope that you had an amazing time celebrating with your families and friends. To find…
Well after a very short but busy half term I think we’re all in need of a weeks rest! Happy half term everyone. See you back in school on Monday 19th February 😃
The story of Zarathushtra can be found by clicking on the link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BawHgSmb5VA This is a sorrowful time for those following the Zoroastrian faith as this day marks the death of their spiritual founder. Special prayers are recited, often…
Wishing everyone the love and peace of the season. There is a lot that goes on within a few days for Christians at Christmas time. Christmas Eve is always on 24th December and is an important day because it…
Have a lovely, well deserved break everyone after a very busy Autumn Term! See you all in the New Year on Monday 8th January 2024. Happy Christmas and a happy new year 🥳