To help us understand the context of our current reading book, “The Little Match Girl…

Year 6 Go Back to Ancient Greece with Time Travel TV
Today, Y6 got to opportunity to review their learning so far with a fantastic actor-led workshop.
After some warm-up games, they got started on testing out some new TV shows all on the theme of ancient Greek life.
We started we a bit of “I’m an Athenian! Get Me Out of Here!” where we role-played Athenians who’d had a taste of Spartan life.
Next, we recreated a news magazine programme which aimed to tell us about different ancient Greek legacies such as the olympics, theatre as well as scientific and mathematical concepts.
Finally, we experienced a talk show where the family dramas of King Minis, Ariadne, Theseus and the poor Minotaur were played out before ‘a live studio audience’.
We had lots of fun, tried out our improvisation skills and recapped our learning so far, all at the same time!
Thanks, Time Travel TV!