Bob helps us
Today in Reception we met a new friend. His name is Bob and he came to show us how to get changed for PE and where to put our clothes. He kept getting a little confused so we had to…
Today in Reception we met a new friend. His name is Bob and he came to show us how to get changed for PE and where to put our clothes. He kept getting a little confused so we had to…
After much preparation today was the day! Let the baking begin! We kneaded the basic dough for a whole 10 minutes before adding our carefully designed ingredient blends, then shaping the rolls. We ‘proved’ the rolls in a warm…
We worked really hard to create our poems.... then it was time to refine our performance skills ready for the symposium in a few weeks time!
This week, Year 4 started their new DT project - The challenge? To design and make a fresh new style of bread! After taste testing various breads already on offer, we set bout our focussed practical task of making and…
Year one had a great morning as part of our design and technology lesson. We learned where different food comes from and even the parts of a plant that we can eat! We made our own break time snacks -…
Last week, Year 4 and 5 got together to form new Kagan teams ready to start their One Voice spoken word project. To get started with this, we shared our thoughts on some key ideas; privacy, choice, family, freedom, respect.…
To start our new topic all about animals and their habitats Angie bought in some Amazing animals for us to see. We got to stroke a hedgehog, pet a cold blooded bearded dragon on our lap and watch a burrowing…
What a wonderful start to the half term! Angie visited us with some of her family members. We were so excited to learn new facts for our Literacy work. The owls were amazing! We stroked their feathers and watched them…
This week, Year 4 welcomed some members of the Bournbrook Fire Service Crew to talk about safety around the home and out and about. It was a great afternoon and we learned lots. About 10 members of Year 4 decided…
Year 3 had a brilliant time reading, writing and performing poems over World Book Week. Below is a link to our final project- a poem we all wrote together about why we play.